Copyright! Photo by Emma Kloster |
Det var op til cirka år 1910
det rigtige for kvinder at gå med korset. Kvinder fik strammet korsettet så
meget at deres talje blev snøret ind til en omkreds på cirka 47 centimeter.
Nutidens ideelle taljemål for catwalkmodeller er 58 centimeter. Det siger en
del om den ekstremt smalle talje der var ønsket. Kvindernes barm og hofter blev
fremhævet ved hjælp af korsettet. Som en selvfølge var det
svært at bevæge sig og trække vejret ordentligt med korsettet på. Det var
derfor nemt at se forskel på de kvinder der måtte slide, og dem der havde råd
til at gå rundt og se godt ud. Dengang var kvindens eneste mulighed for at opnå
noget at blive gift. Derfor strammede de korsettet helt ind, så længe det blev
set som smukt, i forsøg på at få den rigtige mand. I slutningen af 1800-tallet
blev der vist en ”reformdragt” frem. Den kunne bruges uden at man behøvede at
bære et korset, men den blev aldrig en succes.
Modeskaberen Paul Poiret gjorde i 1909 korsettet mindre stramt. Den ekstremt
kontrollerede kropsfigur blev ændret til idealet en sund og slank krop, der var
Up till about year 1910, it was right for women to wear a corset. Women got the corset tightened so much that their waist was laced into a circumference of about 47 centimetres. Today's ideal waistline for catwalk models is 58 centimetres. That says a lot about the extremely narrow waist that was desired. Womens breasts and hips was emphasized by the corset. As a matter of course it was hard to move and breathe properly with the corset on. It was therefore easy to see the difference between those women who had to toil and those who could afford to walk around looking good. At that time the womens only opportunity to achieve something was to get married. Therefore, they tightened the corset, as long as it was seen as beautiful, in an attempt to get the right man.At the end of the 1800s were shown a "reform dress" instead. It could be used without needing to wear a corset, but it was never a success.
Fashion creator Paul Poiret loosened the corset in 1909. The extremely controlled body shape was changed to the ideal of a healthy and slim body that was movable.
Up till about year 1910, it was right for women to wear a corset. Women got the corset tightened so much that their waist was laced into a circumference of about 47 centimetres. Today's ideal waistline for catwalk models is 58 centimetres. That says a lot about the extremely narrow waist that was desired. Womens breasts and hips was emphasized by the corset. As a matter of course it was hard to move and breathe properly with the corset on. It was therefore easy to see the difference between those women who had to toil and those who could afford to walk around looking good. At that time the womens only opportunity to achieve something was to get married. Therefore, they tightened the corset, as long as it was seen as beautiful, in an attempt to get the right man.At the end of the 1800s were shown a "reform dress" instead. It could be used without needing to wear a corset, but it was never a success.
Fashion creator Paul Poiret loosened the corset in 1909. The extremely controlled body shape was changed to the ideal of a healthy and slim body that was movable.