Vi er to piger på henholdsvis 14 og
15 år. Hele uge 9 har vi obligatorisk projektopgave, og vi har valgt at lave en
blog som vores produkt. Vores overemne er Forandring, og som delemne har vi
valgt Kvindens Kropsideal. Det er et spændende emne, med en masse interessant
stof at tage fat i. Vi håber at alle vil tage sig tid til at kommentere, give
respons, stille os spørgsmål, svare og fortælle.
Tak fordi at i læser!
Hello! We're two girls at the age of 14 and 15 years. All through week 9 we have an obligatory project assignment and we've chosen to make a blog as our product. Our main subject in the class is change, and as a part subject we have The Womens Ideal Body. It's a very exciting subject with a lot of interesting stuff to work with. We really hope that everybody is going to take their time to comment, give us feedback, ask questions, answer and tell.
Thanks for reading!
Hello! We're two girls at the age of 14 and 15 years. All through week 9 we have an obligatory project assignment and we've chosen to make a blog as our product. Our main subject in the class is change, and as a part subject we have The Womens Ideal Body. It's a very exciting subject with a lot of interesting stuff to work with. We really hope that everybody is going to take their time to comment, give us feedback, ask questions, answer and tell.
Thanks for reading!
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