torsdag den 1. marts 2012

Kropsidealet/The Body Ideal 1930-1940

I starten af 1930’erne blev folks indstilling til livet ændret på grund af den økonomiske krise, til at folk var imod politiske forandringer. Det ændrede moden endnu en gang. Et mere feminimt kropsideal erstattede drengepigen. Kvinderne skulle stadigvæk være slanke, ungdommelige og have smalle hofter. Men taljelinjen rykkede igen op og brystet blev blødt markeret. Det var et ideal at ens krop så slank og naturlig ud. Man måtte ikke kunne se at kvinder bar et korset. Det var dog stadig nødvendigt, for at få kroppen til at se glat ud.

In the early 1930s, the common attitude to life changed because of the economic crisis, people were opposed to political changes. That changed fashion once again. A more feminine body ideal replaced the boygirl. The women should still be slim, youthful and have narrow hips. But the waistline moved back up and the breast was marked softly. It was an ideal that ones body looked slim and natural. You weren’t allowed to be able to see if a woman was wearing a corset. It was still necessary though, to get the body looking smooth.

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